I’m sure that Fox news reporter Dennis Lynch did not anticipate his actions on April 12, 2014. He suddenly realized that Clive Bundy was right. The Bundy family was right. The patriots who stood facing down the BLM thugs with AR-15s were right. No matter what the letter of the law stated, it was an egregious unjust law. And then, Mr. Lynch discovered what he was made of.
See also:
BLM to Protestors: "Leave the Area, or You Will be Fired Upon"!
The Truth About Why the BLM Wanted Cliven Bundy off the Land: Harry Reid and Money and Power
Cliven Bundy Calls on Sheriff to Start Arresting BLM feds
Sen. Harry Reid Behind BLM Land Grab of Bundy Ranch
The $2.2 Billion Bird-Scorching Solar Project
BREAKING! Federal Agents Taser Protestors in Nevada
Waco Style Shoot Out Brewing in Nevada Against Cattle Rancher?