Gilbert’s Plan to Confiscate and Redistribute More of Your Family’s Hard Earned Money

In a previous post, I noted that 5 of 7 Gilbert Council members earned themselves the rank of Heroes of Big Government by AFP-Arizona.  Thursday night, they plan to reduce your individual liberty and prosperity even more by:  1) Confiscating more of your family’s resources by raising your Secondary Property tax rate; and 2) Using tax dollars to join a "collective" effort to build the Gilbert Wellness & Resource Center, which will offer free and reduced services.

These 5 Council members will make it all sound very reasonable and "charitable."  It would be, if they were using their own money, or if they encouraged you to give from your personal resources.  But their idea of charity is stealing from you and giving it to someone else. 

The irony is that none of the 5 Council members who raise taxes and redistribute it to others live their own lives this way. They don’t teach their children to steal their neighbor’s car, because he has too many, and give the car to someone else, because he doesn’t have a car.  No.  In their private lives, they teach their children that charity means that you give from your own personal resources.  When this happens, both the giver and receiver benefit greatly because of the joy of giving.

But when Mayor John Lewis, Vice Mayor Jordan Ray, and Council Members Eddie Cook, Jenn Daniels, and Brigette Peterson step up high on the dais, these same powerful people dole out welfare benefits, removing the element of voluntary giving.  The resources for those welfare benefits come from taxes, which is forced confiscation.  They "legally" steal from Gilbert families and give it to others.  Both the givers and the receivers suffer.  There is resentment from those who are forced to "give," and those getting the benefits feel like it is an entitlement and don’t really appreciate the gesture.  In fact, they often loathe the giver.  

None of this is healthy or helpful.  Please speak up against this.  

Thursday, June 25, 7:00 pm.  Town Council Chambers, 50 East Civic Center Drive Gilbert, Arizona.  

(Arrive early to complete a Comment Card if you wish to speak.)  If you cannot attend, please send your email to reach Mayor John Lewis, Vice Mayor Jordan Ray, and Council Members Eddie Cook, Jenn Daniels, Victor Petersen, Brigette Peterson, and Jared Taylor.  Both Victor Petersen and Jared Taylor are against these items.  Email addresses may be found here

Both items are subject to a Public Hearing.  Anyone wishing to comment on a Public Hearing Item may do so in support of or in opposition.  Hearings are noticed for 7:00 p.m. 

35. BUDGET – conduct hearing and consider adoption of an Ordinance setting the Secondary Property Tax Levy for FY2015-16 at $21,221,243 to partially meet the current debt service requirements of the Town; the remaining debt service to be paid from fund balance.  

35A. HUMAN SERVICES – consider approval of: a) the Gilbert Wellness & Resource Center Proposal.  This is a Proposal for a new public-private partnership to provide free or reduced Health care in Gilbert. The Town’s tax-supported portion (Community Development Block Grant funds) would be providing and maintaining the building for the project.

Click on the Agenda for a brief explanation of items 35 and 35A.    

Click on the Council Packet for detailed information. Agenda item 35 can be found on pages 1102-1107.  Agenda item 35A. can be found on pages 1108-1135.  (They are dead last, so just scroll to the end of the document and work your way up.)  

Watch live streaming here.  

See Also:

The Language of Liberty:  June 24, Mesa.  

Not Yours to Give: Speech by David Crockett to the House of Representatives