The Language of Liberty: June 24, Mesa

A very wise Queen Creek mother and grand-mother recently said to me:  "I’m very worried about our young people.  They aren’t being taught the principles of liberty.  Young people don’t know that the Founders created the Constitution, in order to protect them from the chains of captivity, and to encourage self-determination, prosperity, and peace. They don’t understand that the Founders of America had experienced tyrannical governments, and that they risked their own lives and fortunes when they signed the Declaration of Independence.  Young Americans need to know."  

Please bring your children and invite your friends to hear Bill Norton speak on "The Language of Liberty," one of the most critical messages of this generation.  Mr. Norton is a public speaker and author on the fundamental, natural law principles of liberty, and the U.S. Constitution.  He has volunteered for the National Center for Constitutional Studies (NCCS) for 12 years. Editing educational material on the Constitution and delivering presentations for 7 years, Bill has presented NCCS’s "Making of America" seminar in more than 40 states, including 2 state legislatures.

"Enlighten the people, and tyranny and oppression will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day."  Thomas Jefferson

June 24, 2015.  6:30 PM.  (Doors open at 6:00 PM)

Burke Basic School, 131 E. Southern Ave., Mesa, AZ 85210

Admission: $2.00 (17 and under are free).

If you do not live in the Phoenix area, or are unable to attend, this and events like it are video taped and posted on Content is added regularly and includes many constitutional lessons.  To start a free 14-day trial, just click this link:

See Also:

The Declaration of Independence

The Constitution of the United States of America

The Arizona Constitution  

America:  What Would the World Be Like Without It?