Gilbert Watch thanks Lina Hatch for this article. Ms. Hatch is a Gilbert resident and LD17 Precinct Committeeman.
10% Property Tax Override (increase!) PLUS $98 Million dollar Bond (debt!)
Vote NO Override! Vote NO Bond!
There will be no election day voting – you must mail in your ballot before Oct. 30th
The combined 26% increase in our property taxes for a home assessed at $170,000 is $270 per year higher tax. That’s a huge increase! And it will be much higher for owners of commercial, agricultural, and vacant property, as well as for business property owners! See pages 4 and 22 of the Publicity Pamphlet.
Gilbert Unified School District has the 3rd highest primary property tax rate in Maricopa County – 5.2599%! It has more than doubled in 4 years! The rate has increased to make up for the loss of previous override dollars – without any voter approval! (See chart below. In 2011, the primary property rate was 2.4425. In 2015, it is 5.2599.)
If the Override and Bond are approved, teachers will pay more in taxes than a possible increase in their salary. Why would we support something that hurts teachers, especially since GUSD didn’t include teacher pay raises in its 2015-16 Board Goals.
The voters have repeatedly said NO to Overrides & Bonds. In 2012 and 2013, voters defeated overrides of 10% and 6.6%. Now GUSD is asking for 10% plus $98 million more bond debt.
FY 2015 expenditures were $7.1 million more than FY 2014, even after loss of the override and loss of 1,000 students. However, administrative raises were given and positions added. This is unacceptable! See Gilbert Public Schools: Taxes will Increase, one way or Another!, GUSD Demographic and Enrollment Analysis
The Gilbert School District’s budget is close to $300 Million Dollars now. Over 70% of our property taxes already go directly to fund the Gilbert Unified School District.
The bond contains a slush fund for land. With 5% declining enrollment, why the need for more land?
The increased tax dollars will not go to any children or teachers in Charter Schools.
The cost estimate for this two item “mail in only” election is $267,000 with additional invoices forthcoming! (See email below from GPS confirming this preliminary cost.)
Senior citizens on fixed income, single income families, and young families cannot afford the added tax burden.
This video explains Mr. Plumb’s deceptive information on p. 26 in the Publicity Pamphlet. Further, Dr. Don Covey, Maricopa County Superintendent of Schools, failed to correct Mr. Plumb’s inaccurate statement. See Gilbert Unified School District Teacher Raises
We homeowners budget our finances according to income and expenses. There is no secondary source of funds, so we learn to live within our means. Gilbert Unified School District must do likewise!
Demand better! AVOID DEBT!
Vote NO Override! Vote NO Bond!
See Also:
Good morning,
In response to your recent recent public records request, dated 10.08.15:
1. What is the TOTAL cost of the GPS Election ’15? Please itemize and include every detail from start to finish (informational pamphlet, interpretation service, ballot, all mailing expenses, etc.)
If this information is not available for the Election ’15, please indicate what comparable election items have cost in the past.
2015 Special Election
US Postal Service – Postage for Mailing $ 12,516.89
Dama Communications (Translator) $ 1,946.49
Maricopa County Education Service Agency $ 1,000.00
Runbeck Election Service Inc (Pamphlet) $ 23,189.01
Maricopa County Elections Department** $ 228,391.84
TOTAL**……………………………………………. $ 267,044.20
**Estimate as final invoices have not been received.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call.
Have a great day!
Monica Baxley-Ortega | Public Records Assistant
Gilbert Public Schools, Talent Management
140 S Gilbert Rd | Gilbert, AZ 85296
Tel: 480-497-3364 | Fax: 480-507-1320
Mon-Thurs 7:30am – 4:30pm