November 2012 Election Results

Dear Readers,

Five words:


Last night was a disappointing loss for Republicans, and cause to grieve for our country.  The stockmarket is in a freefall, as arithmetic sets in

Gilbert’s local elections fared much better, as you will see by following the link below.  This is not by accident.  Some determined citizens came together in a herculean effort to fight for our candidates and fight against an unnecessary tax override.  

A note of caution:  Close races are not over!  Provisional ballots must be counted, and those may result in a different winner. 

Another bright spot was that both Propositions 121 and 204 were soundly defeated.

The Gilbert Schools Override was soundly defeated.

Unfortunately, Republicans lost seats in the Arizona legislature.  We can thank Senate President Steve Pierce and the Republican "Victory" Fund for refusing to assist Republican Senator Frank Antenori and letting the Democrat David Bradley win LD10.  We can thank Jerry Lewis and his supporters, who defeated Russell Pearce, for refusing to see the Leftist ground game that was used on them in first getting Lewis elected, then redistricting him, then getting Democrat Ed Ableser elected last night. 

Virtual communist Kyrsten Sinema is ahead of Republican Vernon Parker and may go to Washington, DC, as a Democrat U.S. Representative from Arizona.  

If not for redistricting, Republican Jonathan Paton would have won in Pima County, but now CD1 reaches all the way up to Flagstaff taking in about one half of Arizona, and Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick is pulling ahead as of 2 hours ago.   

To follow the most current election results, please check the Maricopa County Election Results website.  

Please note that you have the choice to see "Scrolling Results" or "Non-Scrolling Results."  Choose non-scrolling.

Anita Christy