Please Support HB2056 and HB2088!

by Jennifer Reynolds, Publisher
Arizonans Against Common Core 

Common Core Fighters,

Our first two education bills will be heard in the House Education Committee when they meet this Wednesday, January 20 at 2 pm in House Hearing Room 4. We need you to contact all of the members on this committee by phone, e-mail, "Request to Speak," and/or be present to testify in favor of both of these bills (see contact info below). We need your personal experiences with AzMERIT and the threats that were given last year as your child(ren) tried to "opt out" of this statewide assessment. We need your experiences with surveys that were given at your school without parental consent as well! Here are brief summaries of these two bills. Please read them in their entirety to obtain a thorough understanding of each from the links below!

HB2056- Parental Opt Out.
This bill requires a form to be developed by the State Board of Education that parents can submit to their principal or teacher to opt out of statewide assessment. Lack of assessment results will not affect school district achievement ranking, school report card, a pupil’s ability to be promoted from third grade or his/her ability to graduate from high school. An alternative other than a statewide assessment can be used to determine whether a pupil should be promoted from from third grade and/or if they have met the requirements for graduation.  Click HERE to read the bill.  

HB2088- School Surveys and Assessments Informed Consent.
This bill requires Informed consent for any psychological assessment, such as the Common Core-aligned assessments and others that gather psychological data. Informed consent would also be required for intrusive, inappropriate surveys that question pupils about their sexual practices, or any other private information. This bill protects the pupil from retaliation in any form if the parent does not consent, and the teacher from being evaluated according to pupil participation and results.  Click HERE to read the bill.  

Rep. Boyer: Chairman 602-926-4173

Rep. Lawrence: Vice-Chairman 602-926-3095

Rep. Bolding 602-926-3132

Rep. Coleman 602-926-3160

Rep. Norgaard 602-926-3140

Rep. Otondo 602-926-3002

Rep. Thorpe 602-926-5219

I highly suggest you to create a "Request to Speak (RTS) account," if you haven’t already done so.

The RTS system is an online tool that lets you give legislators your feedback on bills. You do not have to speak as the name implies.  You can use the system to show that you support or oppose a bill and provide your reasons.  From the comfort of your home/office, you can share your opinions directly with legislators.  Click HERE to read "Using the Request to Speak program of the AZ Legislature Information System" by Jose Borrajero.  

See Also:

The National Common Core Standards System.  

Textbook Executive:  “Common Core’s All About the Money."  

Is Expect More Arizona in it "for the Money"?

Common Core’s standards are substandard and age-inappropriate.  

Expect More Arizona Wants Public to Expect Less