Why Proposition 406 Matters

For the last 13 years, Gilbert budget planners have forecasted large multi-million dollar deficits. Magically, the Town ended either with a surplus or very small deficit each year. Each year some of our elected officials make the case to raise some sort of tax whether it’s a primary property or sales tax or Use Tax. Taking a moment to reflect on the history of Gilbert budgeting has great importance on our current election.

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My Turn – AZ Central – Jared Taylor

28 September 2012

In a few weeks, Gilbert voters will select another member of the Gilbert Town Council. It’s important that we havea fresh voice that will protect the rights of Gilbert families and businesses. There are a number of reasons I would like to serve as your next Council Member.

Jared Taylor is Committed to Gilbert’s Heritage and Success

I’m committed to the heritage and success of this community. My grandfather taught school at the old Gilbert Elementary School and worked on John Allen’s dairy. After I was married, my wife and I moved to Gilbert in 1996. With our three daughters, we enjoy the beautiful parks, schools, and so many good friends.

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It’s Your Turn! Please Vote for Jared Taylor for Gilbert Town Council!

It’s Your Turn, by Jared Taylor

Over the past months, I’ve enjoyed visiting with hundreds of Gilbert voters and communicating my vision for Gilbert. With less than a week left in the campaign, it is now in your hands to decide.

This race has two different visions for Gilbert. Do we want big government or limited government? Do we want higher taxes or lower taxes? Do we want more or less economic freedom for our small businesses?

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Come and Meet Emilena Turley – Candidate for Queen Creek Town Council

You are invited to a Meet and Greet for Emilena Turley this Thursday, April 3, at 7:00pm at the home of Rusdon and Emily Ray. Bring the kids. Treats will be provided.   The address is 19520 E. Aster Dr., Queen Creek.   Emilena is running for Queen Creek Town Council.    

Here is Emilena with conservative Rock Star Arizona Rep. Steve Montenegro (LD13).  Emilena recently received his endorsement!

As stated by Rusdon Ray, "Many may say why waste energy on the local level when it’s the federal and state level that really matter. Well actually, the opposite is true. It’s the local level that really matters even more so than the state or the federal. We recently just had an eye opener in Queen Creek.

"We thought we had strong local leadership,and we assumed our local representatives would stand strong against over-the-top federal control when it mattered. We were very disappointed to find out that 5 out of the 7 council members in Queen Creek stood with the feds when it came to adopting the largest increase in regulation on our private property in the history of Queen Creek, even using the irrational argument that "they were not elected to stand against the man!" meaning the federal government. Unbelievable.

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John McCain rips Tea Party, Fox News, calls Hillary Clinton a ‘rock star’

Remember this article from 2013?  

When asked about Hillary Clinton, John McCain stated:

"I think she did a fine job," he said of Clinton’s performance as Secretary of State despite the scandal surrounding the Benghazi terror attack.

"She’s a rock star. She has, maybe not glamour, but certainly the aura of someone widely regarded throughout the world. I do think it is interesting that the issues where John Kerry is engaging is where Hillary Clinton did not engage in, that those decisions were left to the White House and the National Security Council," he added.

What if Hillary ran against Rand Paul in 2016:

"It’s gonna be a tough choice," he said, laughing.

He clarified his remark, saying Paul "represents a segment of the GOP, just like his father. And I think he is trying to expand that, intelligently, to make it larger."

He called Rand Paul and Ted Cruz "wacko birds."  

He said Obama has "grown" in office, especially since the president has reached out to him and Sen. Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina Republican who is often at McCain’s side on issues like immigration. McCain praised Graham, saying he "is like a son to me."

Fox News is "schizophrenic."

About the TEA Party:  "Many in this group didn’t come to power to get things done. They came to power to keep things from getting done," he said.

John McCain also stated:  Kelly Ayotte, I am very close to. Chuck Schumer (Democrat). Carl Levin (Democrat) and I are as close as two people can be.

Help Kelli Ward Fight the McCain Machine.  Please DONATE today. 

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McCain-Assisting PAC Misleads Voters about Conservative Opponent Kelli Ward

by Patrick O’Malley and Anita Christy

The Arizona Grassroots Action PAC has been running a negative ad about Kelli Ward for weeks on radio stations and FaceBook. The ad claims she failed to support our military with the funding needed to pay the troops. It also claims she sponsored a bill to prevent law enforcement in Arizona from cooperating with the feds to prevent terrorism.

Both claims are false.  

Every year, Congress passes a National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to fund the military.  A serious criticism of the 2013 NDAA was that it continued to include a provision that allows the military to detain individuals, including US citizens, indefinitely and without trial, as part of the war on terror.  

Kelli Ward was a State Senator and couldn’t vote on the NDAA, but she was asked about the bill and specifically about the indefinite detention of individuals issue on a talk radio show. The show is Love, Guns, and Freedom with Luca Zanna, and the discussion about the NDAA with Kelli Ward is part of the December 1, 2013 show.  That’s where the quote “I don’t support the bill” comes from. It was in response to a direct question about the indefinite detention provision.  

In 2014, many brave conservatives joined Ted Cruz in opposing this tyranny for the same reason given by Kelli Ward.  See Ted Cruz: Indefinite Detention Retained in NDAA 2014.  

The second issue concerns Arizona SB1156 in 2014.  Dr. Ward was the prime sponsor, along with 13 co-sponsors. The Grassroots Action PAC claims the bill would restrict Arizona law enforcement from cooperating with the feds to fight terrorism. Do you remember back when we found out the NSA was monitoring our phone calls? That it wasn’t just suspected terrorists’ international calls like we’d been told? It was everybody’s calls all the time? And people were wondering what had happened to their Fourth Amendment protections from search and seizure? SB1156 stated that the NSA and other federal agencies that wanted cooperation from local law enforcement in their investigations and wanted to collect information in Arizona had to get a warrant. No cooperation without a warrant.   

The AZ Grassroots Action PAC was organized in 2014 supposedly to support or oppose multiple federal candidates and is classified as an independent expenditure committee.

Not quite.   According to an article in Politico titled McCain’s big purge: 


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Let’s Put a Real Schmuck in Office!

Here’s a great way to help Frank Schmuck beat RINO Jeff Dial in the Aug. 30 Primary.  Please join your neighbors in LD18 (includes Ahwatukee, and parts of Chandler, Mesa, and Tempe) in a Volunteer Support event this Saturday, June 25, from 7:00 am – 10:00 am.  See details following this note from Jim O’Connor.  

For those of you who remember the Republican House & Senate sell outs who voted with the dems in support of Governor Brewer’s Medicaid Expansion (AKA Obamacate in AZ) in the summer of 2013, the name Jeff Dial may ring a bell. He was then serving in the House and the following year got elected to our State Senate. He continues to be a rogue republican, and not a good one.

This August we have the best opportunity ever to rid our state senate of this faker. Please join me this Saturday morning and meet and hear from Frank Schmuck who is challenging Dial for that Senate seat.  Frank enjoys the endorsement of the Arizona Republican Assembly (AZRA) as well as my own personal endorsement. Even though you may live in a different district than Dial’s LD 18, his votes affect all of us statewide.

So if you are only up for making calls on Frank’s behalf, mailing out literature, or helping with a small donation, do come join me this Saturday.

Jim O’Connor
8001 E Del Joya Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85258
602-538-9387 cell

(GW NOTE:  Jeff Dial was also one of the "Republicans" who refused to acknowledge parental authority, when he voted NO to the Parental Opt Out Bill (SB1455).  He also voted to keep Common Core (HB2190).   

Invitation to Volunteer Support for Frank Schmuck

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