The Ruling Class Republicans

Arizona Conservatives need to understand why legislative districts (LD’s) are battling for leadership in the Arizona Republican Party. On November 2, 2010, Americans sent an overwhelming number of Conservative Republicans to Congress. They voted into office droves of Republican governors. These newly elected winners are not the “status quo” Republicans. They are a new breed of Conservative Republicans born out of the TEA Party movement.

Over the years, “status quo” Republicans have evolved into Ruling Class Republicans, who have abandoned their Principles, selling out the American people as they proudly “reached across the aisle.”

The battle rages on in Arizona, where grassroots conservatives have been gaining a foothold as Precinct Committeemen, determined to move the Republican Party back to its principles of Low Taxes, Small Government, adherence to the Constitution and the Rule of Law. The Ruling Class has noticed and they are fighting back. The battle news has reached the blogosphere. It has reached emails. You see it in district elections being thrown out and redone. This is not about people incapable of “getting along.” This is a fight over Principles, and compromising one’s Principles is not an option.

“McCain Forces Attempt to Wrest Arizona GOP Control,” appeared on the blog Seeing Red AZ and told what happened in LD11. “Last evening in McCain’s home District 11, the long knives were out as the liberal wing of the Republican Party took out conservatives in a bloodbath that included keeping state Republican Chairman Randy Pullen from serving as a state committeeman. This means he is not able to run for reelection as the state chairman.” Here is the link:

McCain forces attempt to wrest AZ GOP control

Sonoran Alliance featured a video clip titled “From-Outta-Nowhere” about LD19, in which they stated, “For the first time in four years the room was packed with people who had never shown up at a district meeting. Many of the party faithful were wondering who or where these precinct committeemen came from not ever having attended a meeting for the district.” When it was over, LD19 lost the Chair position, but they retained many of their State Committeemen. This happier ending might be because LD19 is home to both the Red Mountain TEA Party and the East Valley TEA Party.

In LD22, it was a different story. No video clips, no reports on Seeing Red AZ or Sonoran Alliance. On November 18, Pam Stevenson, AZ Director TEA Party Patriots and a Precinct Committeeman, went to vote. What happened there left her feeling like the rug had been pulled out from under her, and so she documented her experience in a letter that she sent to people on her personal email list. I published her letter, “What Happened in LD22?” on Gilbert Watch. Pam simply wrote her own personal testimony. That was all.

She noted that, by the end of the meeting, not only did the opposing forces prevail, but also a so-called “Conservative” slate of 98 State Committeemen was voted in. This was by virtue of 60-70 proxy votes carried by a few PC’s. This slate included a handful of true conservatives. But it was absent a long list of conservative precinct committeemen who had been fighting for conservative principles for nearly two years. Pam’s name wasn’t on it. My name wasn’t on it. Many PC’s who had fought against the Prop 406 tax increase weren’t there. PC’s who teach the Constitution were excluded. PC’s active in the TEA Party movement were excluded. Key conservative state legislators were missing.

There were, however, some names that stood out: Past and present Council members and a former Mayor who had proposed tax increases on Gilbert residents. These politicians included: Council members Linda Abbott, Les Presmyk, John Sentz, former Council members Joan Krueger and Steve Urie, and former Mayor Cynthia Dunham.

Tax and spend politicians on a “Conservative” slate of State Committeemen?

Since I published Pam Stevenson’s Letter, she has received a barrage of emails harassing, nitpicking, and insulting her. One PC even demanded that she apologize for her letter.

Apologize for what? For noticing the dead elephant in the middle of the living room floor?

The point I’m making isn’t that the opposition had no right to identify their people for officers and for their slate of State Committeemen. They had planned this event for a long time and were far more politically adept than we were.

Just know who you are voting for, and pay attention to who might be missing.

Please vote the True Conservative Slate headed by Jeff Smith.

A re-do of this election is taking place this Saturday, December 4, at 1:00 pm, at the Gilbert Farm Bureau, 325 S Higley Rd., Gilbert, 85296. If you cannot attend the meeting and wish to vote by Proxy, please contact me, and I will assist you in identifying someone from your precinct who can help. My email address is