Unions and Special Interests Back John Sentz for Town Council

John Sentz’s Post Primary Finance Report shows who John Sentz really represents.  Nine out-of-town unions are backing John Sentz for re-election to Gilbert’s Town Council.  They each have donated the maximum allowed by law.  Also, four PAC’s (political action committees) that represent big companies looking for lucrative Town of Gilbert contracts also have donated the maximum.

So, who does John Sentz represent?  The citizens of Gilbert, or the unions and the lobbyists wanting contracts?

It’s interesting that the Gilbert associations haven’t donated to Jared Taylor’s opponent, but nine out of Town unions have donated the maximum.

Jared Taylor’s opponent has taken $3,840 from political action committees set up by labor unions all around the state of Arizona.  Here’s how it breaks out:



United Flagstaff Fire Fighters Local 1505

 $           430*

Avondale Professional Firefighters PAC

 $           430

Lake Havasu Professional Firefighters Assoc.

 $           430

IAFF Tucson 479

 $           430

Phoenix FF Local 493 Fire PAC

 $           430

Glendale Firefighters

 $           430

United Mesa Fire Fighters PAC

 $           430

Tempe Chapter PCA UPFF

 $           430

Phoenix Law Enforcement Association

 $           400


 $        3,840

*$430 – is the maximum contribution level for political action committees.

John Sentz has also taken PAC money from big companies that lobby the Town of Gilbert on a regular basis for lucrative contracts. 

Here is the lobbyist money taken by John Sentz to date.

Political Action Committee


Pinnacle West (APS) PAC

 $           300

Cox Communication PAC

 $           430

Salt River Project (SRP) Political Involvement Committee

 $           300

Southwest Ambulance  PAC

 $           430


 $        1,460


In contrast, Jared Taylor has received just one check from a political action committee (PAC) for $430. This PAC is run by our great State Treasurer Doug Ducey designed to help local conservative candidates, not a group that is looking to influence the Town of Gilbert for lucrative contracts or benefits. 

Jared Taylor is proud to be endorsed and supported by this great leader.

Why is this important?  A Town Council is designed to represent the citizens of Gilbert, not big unions or lobbyists.  Jared Taylor stands for Gilbert families and Gilbert businesses.

If you would like a person on the Town Council who has taken thousands of dollars from unions and corporations who lobby the Town, vote for Jared’s opponent. If you want someone who will listen to you and represent the citizens, vote Jared Taylor today or on November 6, 2012.