by Jared Taylor
Gilbert Town Council Member
Gilbert Public Schools Parent
Last November, voters in many cities and towns rejected budget overrides by a strong majority. Gilbert was no exception. One of the many reasons for this was the significant increase in property taxes levied on residents to support the local District schools. As our property values have slightly increased, we are now paying even more taxes to support schools.
Everyone in Gilbert supports children and education. The real question is whether government will live within its means like the rest of us must. Unfortunately, the economy has not recovered. Many hard-working taxpayers struggle under the ever-growing burden of government at all levels.
Putting another override on struggling Gilbert families will take even more from the people who are already paying more in property taxes. Furthermore, many of the people forced to pay for the override will not even benefit as their children attend non-District schools. Better balance is needed to have a stronger economy and stronger community.
Each year, many public schools in Arizona operate at a high level without an override. Gilbert Public Schools can do likewise.
See also:
Maricopa County Bond and Override Elections
Gilbert Schools Want Property Tax Override, yet Still Squanders Money