Who’s Funding the Anti-Pearce Smear Campaign?

Did you see any MSM reports on the $50,000 that was spent by the Arizona Pipe Trades #469 to smear Senator Pearce? Here’s that report that went unreported by the useless “mainstream” media. Arizona Pipe Trades #469 took a cut from every one of its members’ paychecks and sent it directly to the smear campaign targeting conservative Senator Russell Pearce. Makes you proud to be a pipe fitter!

Have you seen the MSM reports on the “squeaky clean” Jerry Lewis Campaign donations? Very strange that they omitted the Campaign Finance Report from SEIU. That union contributed $1,000 toward the “2011 Pre-Recall Election." Our own Gilbert Town staff accommodates SEIU by “payroll deducting” and then sending those contributions straight to SEIU coffers so they can finance smear campaigns against conservatives like Senator Russell Pearce! And we taxpayers pay for it! Here’s the report you won’t see from the MSM.