Brad McQueen Reports: Diane Douglas Exposes John Huppenthal’s Double-Talk

Brad McQueen, a Tucson teacher, has written countless articles exposing the serious failings of the Common Core State Standards (cosmetically renamed Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards by Governor Brewer).  Brad has written another excellent article about the recent debate between Diane Douglas, candidate for Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction, and incumbent John Huppenthal.

As Huppenthal waxes philosophical, Douglas pulls him back on point.  Over and over and over.  If you watch the debate, pay close attention to the hard facts presented by Douglas which Huppenthal tries to either spin, or run from. The truth is that Huppenthal did indeed champion Common Core.  Huppenthal did indeed sacrifice Arizona’s sovereignty in exchange for a small amount of money, allowing federal control.  Douglas points out that Arizona doesn’t even own the copyright of Common Core.  She also points to the insidious data mining of information from parents and children.  Huppenthal himself is part of the culture of corruption within the Arizona Department of Education.  Douglas points out what she and many others have always known:  Common Core is indeed the product of the federal government, and Arizona’s education will be dictated by the federal government.  

It’s refreshing to watch someone like Douglas who is, as McQueen calls her, a "straight talker."

She knows exactly what she’s talking about.  She knows far more about Common Core than Huppenthal ever will.  She also knows more about how to implement a clear alternative.

See Douglas takes Huppenthal to the Mat during GOP AZ Superintendent of Public Instruction

See Also:

Common Core Forums:  Sat., August 2, 2014

An English Language Arts Curriculum Framework for American Public Schools by Dr. Sandra Stotsky

Dr. James Milgram – Common Core Forum Baton Rouge, LA

Dr. Sandra Stotsky – Common Core Forum, Part 1 Baton Rouge, LA

Dr. Sandra Stotsky – Common Core Forum, Part 2, Baton Rouge, LA

Common Core’s Validation: A Weak Foundation for a Crooked House

Why Conservatives Support Frank Riggs for Governor of Arizona

Diane Douglas, Candidate for Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction

Frank Riggs for Arizona Governor