Medicaid Expansion Means More Late Term Abortions, Infanticide in Arizona

I recently sent the following email to Governor Jan Brewer and these Arizona Republican representatives who either plan to vote YES to Arizona’s Medicaid expansion, or are leaning toward voting YES.  I wanted them to know, without a doubt, that they will have a hand in increasing grisly preborn deaths.

Dear Representatives Kate Brophy McGee (LD28); Heather Carter (LD15); Doug Coleman (LD16); Jeff Dial (LD18); Karen Fann (LD1); Tom Forese (LD17); Doris Goodale (LD5); Ethan Orr (LD9); Frank Pratt (LD8); Bob Robson (LD18); T. J. Shope (LD8); Andy Tobin (LD1):

No matter how much anyone protests, the fact is that if you vote to expand Medicaid in Arizona, you are voting for the deaths of thousands more preborn children, even infanticide, as this undercover video confirms:  INHUMANE:  Undercover in America’s Late Term Abortion Industry:  Infanticide in Arizona. 

You realize, don’t you, that in late term abortions, the abortionist dismembers the “fetus” in utero and sucks out its brains.

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Is Barack Obama the “Abortion President”? Look at his Record

Recently, at the May 1, 2014, National Day of Prayer breakfast, Dr. James Dobson spoke, calling President Barack Obama "the abortion president."

Just days before, U. S. District Judge Robert Blackburn had issued an injunction preventing the federal government from imposing the abortifacient mandate or its penalties against Dobson and his radio ministry, Family Talk.

Stated Dr. Dobson, "He has made it so that every American will have to pay toward the support of abortion," noting the $250 million in taxpayer funds that already goes toward Planned Parenthood’s funding.

“The mandate requiring that we provide abortifacients such as the morning after pill would have begun on May 1st. After that, if we hadn’t prevailed, fines amounting to $800,000 per year would have kicked in,” he said.

“We would have closed our doors.”

See Dobson Tears into Obama:  "Come and Get Me" 

For a look at Obama’s record on abortion, see President Barack Obama’s Pro-Abortion Record:  A Pro-Life Compilation.

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Aborted Babies Incinerated to Heat UK Hospitals

Americans have always treated the remains of human bodies with reverence and respect.  Surely, we would never be so callous as to consider the remains of helpless aborted and miscarried infants as "rubbish," would we?  

Would we?

The United Kingdom provides "health care" through its socialized medical system called the National Health Service (NHS).  Is this our future post-Obamacare?  

See Aborted Babies Incinerated to Health UK Hospitals.  A few excerpts:

The bodies of thousands of aborted and miscarried babies were incinerated as clinical waste, with some even used to heat hospitals, an investigation has found.

Ten NHS trusts have admitted burning foetal remains alongside other rubbish while two others used the bodies in ‘waste-to-energy’ plants which generate power for heat.


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Planned Parenthood Will Design Sex Ed Curriculum in East Valley Schools!

Thanks to Education Action Network for alerting Gilbert Watch about this upcoming meeting.

The next meeting of the Sex Education Committee at TUHSD (Tempe Unified High School District) is Tuesday, January 7, 2014, 4:30PM at the district office, 500 W. Guadalupe Rd., Tempe  85283.

Vicki Hadd-Wissler, Director of Education for Planned Parenthood AZ, has been recommended to the committee to provide curriculum for Sex Ed at TUHSD.  

TUSD will NOT be allowing pro-life pregnancy centers or adoption agencies an opportunity to provide curriculum.

Please attend this meeting to speak out against bringing Planned Parenthood and its agenda to students.   TUHSD has allowed only 15 minutes total for public comment, from 4:30 pm to 4:45 pm.  Each member of the public can speak for only 2 minutes.   Even if TUHSD closes their ears to you, your words might reach a student who listens.  

Planned Parenthood has been allowed 90 minutes for their presentation.

For further information contact Peggy McClain   Here is a link to the Governing Board’s Agenda.

Those of us who fight for Life in this country are literally in a battle of Life versus Death, and Good versus Evil.  Planned Parenthood performed 357,166 abortions in 2012.  They routinely file lawsuits against Pro Life legislation.   They despise anyone who gets in the way of their ability to perform abortions, and that includes pregnancy centers that encourage mothers and fathers to keep their babies or place them for adoption in loving homes.  

Today’s young people should be made aware that an abortion stops their own child’s beating heart, and if they take this action, they should also know that they will never forget what they did.  Most will despise themselves and the adults who betrayed them.  

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New York 2011: 42,637 Black Babies Born; 43,713 Aborted

It is ironic that these two anniversaries occur within days of each other:  1) Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday will be celebrated on Monday, January 20.  (He was born Jan. 15, 1929, but his birthday is celebrated on the 3rd Monday of January.)  2) The passage of Roe v Wade will be "observed" on January 22.  

Roe v Wade was passed by the Supreme Court (7-2) in 1973, and unleashed an epidemic of abortions throughout America, primarily from the efforts of Planned Parenthood.  No ethnic group has been more affected by it than blacks.  What would Rev. King say now, seeing how black Americans have been destroying themselves by millions?  Going back to 1997, and every year since, more black babies have been aborted in the state of New York than have been born.  In 1997, 54,948 black babies were born; 58,364 were aborted.  

See New York’s Vital Statistics HERE

In sheer numbers, California is by far the abortion capital of the world, killing off 214,109 babies in 2008.

Over 50 million innocent human lives have been aborted since 1973′s Roe v. Wade, with over 15 million of those lives disproportionately African-American. 


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Teen Pregnancies Drop 50% When Planned Parenthood Leaves Town

Thanks to Peggy McClain for standing up for the unborn, as well as for young parents whose lives are forever emotionally scarred by the knowledge that they stopped the beating heart of their own child, not to mention the emotional scars of becoming prematurely sexually active.

In an article dated January 14, 2013 by Paul Rondeaux, it was noted that "A study across the Texas Panhandle, using government statistics from 16 counties, found that the teen pregnancy rates among 13-17-year olds from 1994 through 2010 showed dramatic declines even as Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) facilities in the region shut down—dwindling from 19 family planning facilities to zero."  Teen Pregnancy Rate Drops by Half When Planned Parenthood Leaves Town

The article continues:

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Arizona Writer Weighs in on Sex Ed Program in East Valley Schools

reprinted with permission of Linda Turley-Hansen
Ms. Turley-Hansen is an AZ syndicated columnist and former TV anchor and reporter
She can be reached at



By Linda Turley-Hansen

I’m not sure when schools took on the dreaded job of teaching kids about the birds and the bees.  But, I am sure they’re darn sorry.  Especially those front line managers. 

I wish parents would or could teach their children themselves, but many won’t or can’t and even those who can — won’t do it the way the Left and the Right think they should, so here we are, strangers jostling over the most private part of a person’s life.  Those persons – our children.

The Tempe Union High School District Board is the latest to find itself in the stew.  Under its direction, an advisory committee is working on recommending sex education curriculum, a heavy task.  

The head of that committee, Zita Johnson tells me that TUHSD currently “has no approved program.”  Yet, I’m told by some parents that a program, called “Northstar,” is being taught in several district schools.  If so, who approved it?

Johnson’s assignment won’t be easy.   In recommending a plan, the committee must adhere to SB 1009 passed in 2012.  It requires all instructional material, on sex education, to support childbirth and adoption as a “preferred option to elective abortion.”

In fact, the Alliance Defending Freedom has warned the district that it will sue if SB 1009 isn’t honored.

That warning, after it was learned Planned Parenthood was invited to present three sex education plans to the advisory committee January 7.  Word was, the agenda allotted only 15 minutes for public comment.

Irritated citizens packed the house.  Yeah.  Educator’s most un-favorite thing.

Johnson would be wise to steer away from Planned Parenthood as a contributor on any level.  Planned Parenthood carries the political burden of promoting abortion.  The nearly 100 year old organization, heavily funded by your tax dollars, is pure poison for any public school system.  

One Tempe parent, Peggy McClain, a precinct committeewoman in LD18, refers to Planned Parenthood’s 2012 fiscal year (  It reports 327,166 abortions and only 2,197 adoption referrals creating a ratio of 149/1, a staggering difference and proof the organization cannot be an unbiased, much less, a credible consultant.  (See page 15 of Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report.) 

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Planned Parenthood Takes a Beating at the Tempe Schools’ Sex Ed Meeting

Please add the Arizona Daily Independent to your list of newspapers to replace the local Leftist rags (Arizona Republic, the Tribune, Payson Roundup, et al).  Their motto is:  "There are NO sacred cows."

Dexter Duggan has written a thorough account of the February 4 Sex-Ed meeting in Tempe.  Why on earth these government schools are enamored with teaching sexual education to minors makes little sense.  The incidences of STDs, teen pregnancies, and sexual experiences at earlier and earlier ages is the result.

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Your Attendance at TUHSD is Critical: Feb. 4, 4:30 pm

Please read what Christine Acurso, executive director of First Way Pregnancy Center, has to say about the upcoming Sex Ed Curriculum Committee meeting at TUHSD on Tuesday, Feb 4, at 4:30 pm.  Please attend this very important meeting and stand against Planned Parenthood’s presence in our schools.

Dear Friends,

The next sex education curriculum committee meeting for the Tempe Union High School District is Tuesday, February 4 at 4:30pm.  It will be held at:

Desert Vista High School (in the Media Center)
16440 S. 32nd Street
Phoenix, AZ 85048

It is important, as a community, that we continue to show our support of them choosing what is best for these students.  We have not heard what they plan to do with the information on the three curricula they received from Planned Parenthood at the last meeting, but we do know that the agenda for this coming Tuesday’s meeting includes two more curricula presentations.  The first one is called Choosing the Best and is currently in two of their schools now.  The other one is called TOP (Teen Outreach Program) and will be presented by an employee of the Maricopa County Department of Health.  With a simple google search on TOP it was easy to find Planned Parenthood’s all across our country that use this program and promote it heavily.  I even watched a couple of you tube videos where they talk about TOP’s "value."  So, even though they don’t have a Planned Parenthood employee presenting the curriculum, we should be very suspicious of this option.

I encourage all of you to attend Tuesday’s meeting so that the committee knows that we plan to stay on top of this to ensure they know of our support. 

If you plan to attend again and bring a sign, I encourage you again to have signs that say "Keep Planned Parenthood Out of Our Schools" or something of that nature.  It is important that we maintain the peaceful, prayerful and respectful presence.  They will not allow any signs in the actual meeting.  I encourage everyone who attends to come inside to the meeting when it begins at 4:30pm and be present as long as possible.  I know that PP has called out their people to attend this as well, so the earlier we show up, the better.  If you are inclined to speak, even if it is momentarily, please be sure to get there early and sign up by filling out a "request to speak" card.  It was certainly a powerful moment at the last meeting when one of our speakers asked everyone to stand who was against PP having any influence what-so-ever on the TUHSD students.  I hope that happens again!  It was good to take a stand and have it mean so much!

Most especially, your presence is requested at this meeting!  May God bless you in your goodness!


Christine Accurso
Executive Director
1st Way Pregnancy Center
3501 North 16th Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85016
Phone: (602) 261-7522
Fax: (602) 257-9520

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