Gilbert Watch Supports Warren Petersen for Arizona Senate

It has never been more important than now to elect solid conservatives with a voting record that backs up their rhetoric.  So it is with Warren Petersen, who is running for Arizona Senate in LD12.  As a state representative, he stood up for families and the unborn, for local support and control of education, and for the independent business person.  His votes are testimony to his fight against overbearing regulations that hurt businesses and our economy.  He has repeatedly protected our Second Amendment rights.  Rep. Petersen is very knowledgeable about complex issues, and he knows how to protect the hard-working taxpayer from the big spenders at the Capitol.

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Celebrating Arizona and Celebrating our Liberty

This year Arizona celebrates its 100th Birthday. All around the State, we will participate in a host of wonderful musical performances, speeches, and other tributes to our beautiful State. This is a great time for Arizona and its citizens. And even though Arizona has opportunities for improvement, we should be proud of all that we citizens have accomplished together. At this time, let us also celebrate the importance of statehood.

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“Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto”

“We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing. With some the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the product of his labor; while with others, the same word many mean for some men to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men’s labor. Here are two, not only different, but incompatible things, called by the same name – liberty. And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatible names – liberty and tyranny.” Abraham Lincoln

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Town Council – 1/17/2013 – Liquor – Zoning – Unions – Budget


New Councilmember Jared Taylor stated that he will be voting against approval of almost all liquor licenses presented to the Council. He advised that he is not in favor of prohibition, but rather temperance. He campaigned on behalf of both business and families, and he cited statistics relating to the DUI arrests in Gilbert in addition to the fact that someone is killed every 53 minutes at the hands of a drunk driver.

This isn’t the only cost. There is a cost to families when a family member drinks to excess. Alcohol plays a significant role in domestic violence and divorce.

Many innocent children die every year at the hands of drunk drivers. They also die due to domestic violence. Those must be “acceptable” deaths, because Obama hasn’t uttered a word, and the malpracticing media doesn’t keep a body count.

It is of no interest to reporter Parker Leavitt, for example, who has been generous in slamming Councilmember Petersen and now Councilmember Taylor for their "extremist" views, such as standing up for the U.S. Constitution and for private property rights. Don’t ALL councilmembers, including the Mayor, take the same Oath to protect and defend the Constitution? Some of those councilmembers get downright "testy" at the mention of the word "Founders."

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My Turn – AZ Central – Jared Taylor

28 September 2012

In a few weeks, Gilbert voters will select another member of the Gilbert Town Council. It’s important that we havea fresh voice that will protect the rights of Gilbert families and businesses. There are a number of reasons I would like to serve as your next Council Member.

Jared Taylor is Committed to Gilbert’s Heritage and Success

I’m committed to the heritage and success of this community. My grandfather taught school at the old Gilbert Elementary School and worked on John Allen’s dairy. After I was married, my wife and I moved to Gilbert in 1996. With our three daughters, we enjoy the beautiful parks, schools, and so many good friends.

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It’s Your Turn! Please Vote for Jared Taylor for Gilbert Town Council!

It’s Your Turn, by Jared Taylor

Over the past months, I’ve enjoyed visiting with hundreds of Gilbert voters and communicating my vision for Gilbert. With less than a week left in the campaign, it is now in your hands to decide.

This race has two different visions for Gilbert. Do we want big government or limited government? Do we want higher taxes or lower taxes? Do we want more or less economic freedom for our small businesses?

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Fines & Jail Time for Keeping Chickens in Gilbert

Let’s say you keep 5 chickens in your backyard in Gilbert.  Your children consider them pets and have named them Honey-Bun, Suzie, Blondie, Wanda, and Pumpkin.  You consider them a source of nutritious food.  Let’s say you are unfortunate enough to live in a subdivision that is zoned SF-6 or SF-7.  Other people in other parts of Gilbert are allowed to have chickens.   They have bigger lots.   But your lot is only 6,000 or 7,000 square feet.  Your chickens are illegal.

Before I go into the details of this story (having changed the names of the chickens to protect their privacy), it’s important for you to know that until 2005 when Gilbert’s Land Development was "updated," you could have legally kept your five little chickens.

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STOP these Free Market Killing ICC Building Codes in Gilbert – TOWN COUNCIL VOTES THURSDAY, 11/7/2013!

Please see Gordon Ray’s email below. Thanks to the high level of research and persistence of Gordon’s team of dedicated citizens, the Gilbert Town Council is looking at the ICC 2012 Building Codes like they never have in the past.  So far the Council has hit the pause button. 

Tomorrow they vote.  PLEASE send an email and/or attend this meeting to speak out against adoption of these codes.  This email address will reach Mayor John Lewis and all Council members:   Town Hall, 50 E. Civic Center Drive, Gilbert, AZ 85296.

How can any of these codes honestly be about safety issues?  Is your house still standing?  Is every house in Gilbert still standing?  What about all the office buildings, grocery stores, and government buildings?  All were built with tons of previous codes.  None were built with these proposed 2012 Codes!   None of the homes and buildings built without these codes have presented any hazards.  Children haven’t gotten shocked from sticking screwdrivers, paperclips, or anything else into the outlets. 

Please tell the Council:  Even if a code is an improvement, that improvement shouldn’t be made into a law.  The improvement should be a choice between the builder and the person paying for the construction.  Just because some private entities wrote those codes, forcing them on the citizenry is NOT supporting the Free market.  Leave the Free market to compete on its own, without more onerous regulations. 

Enough of Government Regulations at all levels!   All of these monsters got their start at the local level.  Kill the monster while it’s young, before it turns into the Rottweiler that runs your household.    

From: Gordon Ray


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Gilbert Town Council Member Jared Taylor’s Opinion about adopting the 2012 ICC Building Codes

This afternoon, July 30, 2013, the Town Council meets in a Study Session at 4 pm to talk about the 2012 ICC building codes.  Click here for more information.   Your attendance in support of the citizens of Gilbert is appreciated.  

A few weeks ago, I asked each Council member for his/her opinion on who has the burden of proof for adopting codes into law? Should individual citizens be expected to prove that each of hundreds of codes should NOT be made law?  Or should Town employees be required to prove why they SHOULD be made law?  

In response to that question, Council Member Jared Taylor responded by copying me on an email he sent on July 9 to Patrick Banger, Gilbert’s Town Manager:

Hi Patrick,

As far as I can tell, the purpose of having building codes is to solve problems.  For example, smoke detectors save lives so we mandate them.  There is clear data to show this.

As I’ve listened to Kyle’s team, I’m not sure they are focused on solving problems in our community, but more on passing along the recommendations from national/international bodies.

I realize a few state-mandated items were withdrawn, but that didn’t come from our building community.  Don’t get me wrong, the IBC’s have some positive things in them.

As you probably know, the 2012 codes will add hundreds of new regulations on our builders.  Many builders will profit by the additional work and just pass the cost on to our citizens.  The citizens will eventually carry the cost of all the expensive fees, inspections, and hours it takes to design, review, and inspect to the new and existing regulations.  This will cost Gilbert families millions of additional dollars very quickly.  I wonder about the real value here and can’t support something that isn’t empirically validated to solve problems.

As a result, it seems reasonable that I get hard empirical justification on every new regulation that is being recommended.  I would like to see the statistics of how many injuries, deaths, or other harms the lack each regulation has caused in Gilbert and how this new regulation is proven to address the issue.   

If we are not solving actual problems, we are simply creating a huge amount of waste for our citizens in government jobs, fees, reviews, inspections, etc.  This is a simple ROI exercise that should have been part of the original process.

I would like to have someone on your team provide me this analysis. I’m OK to receive it in a spreadsheet. I know this may seem like a tall order, but given the massive imposition on our community these hundreds of new regulations will place, it’s really not that much.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



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