Randy Hatch, Chairman of AZ Red Mountain TEA Party, Speaks out!

Fellow Patriots,

Sarah Palin has lost my trust in 2010 by supporting RINO, John McCain. Now word comes that she is again taking orders from her political boss and endorsing other moderate candidates she has probably never met, Jeff Flake and Kirk Adams. It is very unfortunate that we live in a political system that values endorsements from popular people more than the actual records of those running for office. We must be on the look out for these highly paid drive by endorsements by people like Sarah Palin who disappointed the Tea Party many times over since she fully endorsed the candidacy of John McCain, the biggest RINO of them all. Many people gave her a pass for that two years ago when she campaigned for John McCain because he had put her on the National map and helped her to make millions in speaking fees.

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Lindblom and Lewis and their Questionable Endorsements

Jimmy Lindblom is running as a conservative against proven conservative, Warren Petersen, for the open Senate seat in LD12.  LaCinda Lewis is running as a conservative against proven conservative Eddie Farnsworth and Travis Grantham for one of the House seats in LD12.

Lindblom’s website cites Protecting Individual Freedoms • Limited Government • Local Control • Education Advocate • Business Friendly.  Under the heading "Media", you will see several flyers, including one titled "Our Conservative Team for the State Legislature," which includes LaCinda Lewis as his team mate.  (See below.)

Lewis touts Family – Education – Economy from a  a "unique conservative perspective."

It’s hard to fathom why voters would believe that Lindblom and Lewis are conservatives.   Conservatives abide by the Republican platform.  They work very hard to stand up for and defend those principles.  RINO’s and Democrats don’t.  Why work hard when it’s easier to vote for something that sounds good.    

Lindblom and Lewis have listed many endorsements they have received from local leaders.  Gilbert Watch took a look at some of those endorsements. 

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County and State Party Candidates Should Not Seek Endorsements from Politicians

by Maricopa County Republican Committee Chairman Tyler Bowyer

Many have seen in recent weeks a few endorsements from Public Office Holders of Candidates for those who wish to serve in County and State Party positions. I want to make a statement and say this is absolutely wrong. One of the primary reasons that the Republican Party exists is to hold Elected Officials accountable. Having our Party Officeholders beholden to Elected Officials through endorsements and donations is precisely what’s wrong with the GOP today. It should raise many red flags of Party Candidates who seek these endorsements as it is akin to the adage of the "Fox in the Henhouse." This is terrible judgment both on the part of the candidate and the elected official.

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You never need a late term abortion to save a woman’s life

In the 3rd and final presidential debate, Hillary Clinton was asked why she is against a ban on late-term partial birth abortions.  In light of her longstanding association with Planned Parenthood and the abortion business, her answer reveals an astonishing ignorance about the actual process involved in a late term abortion, or she’s outright lying. 

In this brief segment Ms. Clinton states "I’ve met with women who at the end of their pregnancy get the worst news that one could get, that their health is in jeopardy if they continue to carry to term or that something terrible has happened or just been discovered about the pregnancy. So, you can regulate if you are doing so with the life and the health of the mother taken into account.”  

Here’s the reality.  A late term abortion procedure takes 24-72 hours, just to dilate the cervix enough to dismember and remove the baby.  A woman whose life is at risk would be dead before the abortion could be completed. 

On the other hand, a 1-hour emergency C-Section would most likely save the mother’s and her baby’s lives.  

In the following video, Dr. Anthony Levatino, who has performed over 1200 abortions, explains why “You never need a late term abortion to save a woman’s life.”  He is now Pro-Life. 

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Hillary Clinton: Ghoulish Abortion Queen

For years, Hillary Clinton has encouraged women to collude with and pay doctors to murder their own unborn children.   In 2009, Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion corporation, presented U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton with the Margaret Sanger Award. In 2014, Planned Parenthood honored Clinton for her “commitment to womens health.”  

The sick irony is that Margaret Sanger, a noted eugenicist  and horrible racist, deplored abortion.  She never would have called it “womens health.”  She would be horrified to know that monsters like Hillary Clinton are presented with an award in her name. Planned Parenthood didn’t begin providing abortions until after Margaret Sanger was dead. She would not have tolerated what Planned Parenthood has become: an abortion empire responsible for stopping the beating hearts of over 7 million innocent, helpless lives.  

Sanger opened the first birth control center in 1916.  She later founded the American Birth Control League, which evolved into today’s Planned Parenthood Federation of America.  Sanger spoke out repeatedly on preventing pregnancy, not abortion.   

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You never need a late term abortion to save a woman’s life

In the 3rd and final presidential debate, Hillary Clinton was asked why she is against a ban on late-term partial birth abortions.  In light of her longstanding association with Planned Parenthood and the abortion business, her answer reveals an astonishing ignorance about the actual process involved in a late term abortion, or she’s outright lying. 

In this brief segment Ms. Clinton states "I’ve met with women who at the end of their pregnancy get the worst news that one could get, that their health is in jeopardy if they continue to carry to term or that something terrible has happened or just been discovered about the pregnancy. So, you can regulate if you are doing so with the life and the health of the mother taken into account.”  

Here’s the reality.  A late term abortion procedure takes 24-72 hours, just to dilate the cervix enough to dismember and remove the baby.  A woman whose life is at risk would be dead before the abortion could be completed. 

On the other hand, a 1-hour emergency C-Section would most likely save the mother’s and her baby’s lives.  

In the following video, Dr. Anthony Levatino, who has performed over 1200 abortions, explains why “You never need a late term abortion to save a woman’s life.”  He is now Pro-Life.  

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