Arizona Lawmaker Bob Robson (LD18) Caught Stealing Campaign Signs

Before reading this article, you should know that Bob Robson, endorsed by Governor Jan Brewer, is a Professor of Practice in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Arizona State University.   He also chaired the Ethics Committee for four years while "serving" as a state legislator.  

And yet, in his pathetic attempts to grub for elected office, he is willing to sink to the level of a common thief and vandal.  

Bob Robson’s illegal, smarmy actions give meaning to the term "Power Corrupts."  

Robson and Dial have been removing and destroying signs for about one month now. There have been in excess of 130 signs missing or destroyed. The signs in question are the public information signs that point out who voted for the Obamacare Expansion debacle thrust upon our state with the red “Arrow of Truth.” The arrows were pointed at the Robson Dial signs to inform the public of who it was in LD18 that did the dirty deed to Arizona and the AZGOP.

Click HERE to read the entire article, published in the Arizona Daily Independent.  

Why doesn’t he "stand proud" of his vote to expand Obamacare in Arizona?  Robson was one of several so-called "Republican" legislators who voted with the Democrats to expand Medicaid in Arizona.  This and other votes with the Democrats is what earned Bob Robson and his side-kick Jeff Dial their Champions of Big Government ranking from Americans for Prosperity-Arizona.  

Vote for conservative, principled leadership in LD18.  

Vote for Tom Morrissey as your next Arizona senator, and Jill Norgaard and John King as your next representatives.  See Gilbert Watch and Gila Watch – Republican Choices in the Primary 

Here’s Robson, caught stealing.  

See Also:

GCRC Resolution to Censure Gov. Jan Brewer and 14 State Legislators

Maricopa County Republican Committee’s EGC – Resolution to Censure Gov. Brewer and 14 State Legislators

A Resolution of the Arizona LD25 Republican Precinct Committeemen to Censure Gov. Brewer and 15 Arizona State Legislators

A Resolution of the LD16 Republican Precinct Committeemen to Censure 15 Arizona State Legislators

Medicaid Expansion is not Insurance, It’s a Loan

Medicaid Expansion means more Late Term Abortions, Infanticide in Arizona

Brewercare is a Tax and Violates the Arizona Constitution!

Why Conservatives Oppose Expansion of ObamaCare

Gov. Brewer Supports the Ruling Class Republicans with a Fundraiser